Адрес: Sutomore
Телефон: +382-30-550-231
Координаты: широта 42.1516 долгота 19.0361
Город: Сутоморе
Кухня: Национальная
1. Написал Соболева Екатерина Геннадьевна (05.08.2018 13:40)
Dear All,
Highly recommended to visit this nice place! Yesterday I was there for dinner with my friend. We tried local sea food cuisine with nice white wine. Great choice of sea food delicious with very good quality and fresh. Enjoyable atmosphere with pleasant music, great service. You will never forget visit just once! It was my third time there and some kind of tradition to visit this place every time I am in Montenegro. My special thanks to owner this restaurant who did me personal favor. Of course I will be back to this magical place to feel even more inloved to Montenegro!
Greetings from Katerina,
Ресторан Tajne mora ( Тайны моря ) на карте города Сутоморе